NDMA – Strategic Plan Launching Event: Photography & Videography

Services Provided:

✔ Photography
✔ Videography
✔ Photo editing
✔ Video Production

Brief Summary

We are honored to have contributed to the NDMA’s Strategic Plan 2024 – 2029 Launching Event. Our team provided event photography and videography services to capture this pivotal moment, documenting the vision and commitment towards national resilience and global goals in disaster management. The event was crucial in outlining the strategic directions for disaster management in alignment with the government’s vision.

Approach and Methodology

Our approach involved deploying three photographers and one videographer to comprehensively cover the event. We delivered fully edited photos and a video of the event within the agreed timeframe.

Results and Outcomes

NDMA was satisfied with the deliverables, which were effectively used for social media coverage, underscoring the event’s importance. We extend our sincere gratitude to NDMA for the opportunity to be part of this significant event.

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