Equinox Media

“The time or date at which the sun crosses the equator, when day and night are of approximately equal length.”

A Creative Agency


Social Media Marketing

Social Media is the most influential and crucial virtual space in digitally advertising brands

Website Design & Management

Web designing influences how your brand is perceived by your audience and sets you apart from competitors


Product Photography

90% of information transmitted to our brain is visual. Engaging product photography is therefore of utmost importance


Product Videography

Product videography converts prospects into clients by minimizing uncertainty about the product


Our Services

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Client satisfaction Guaranteed
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Projects Completed
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On time Delivery

Key Clients

Taking brands to the

Next Level

Set a foothold in the industry with our expertise

Equinox Media is a digital marketing and web-design agency operating in the Maldives. Our team is equipped with the expertise, experience and enthusiasm to create data-driven digital strategies that break through the online noise and deliver business results.

We believe in

Consistency & Quality

Experienced & Professional
Creativity & Innovation
Quality & Satisfaction
Delivered On Time
Result & Analysis


We are always excited to meet a new client!

Let's schedule for a coffee


T. +9609749067


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